Emergency Dental Care For Oatley
Same Day appointments are available
If you are in pain, have broken a tooth/filling/denture/crown/veneer or implant, or have an infection/swelling then call us immediately on (02) 9570 7753 and we will find an emergency appointment to treat you as soon as we can!
Taking your regular painkillers like panadol or nurofen can help to ease the pain, as can using an ice pack and applying pressure to the site. If you are struggling to breathe, then please go to the nearest emergency room.
Yes we accept all dental health funds and have on site Hicaps for claiming
Unfortunately not, medicare does not cover any adult dental care
Unfortunately we do not accept hospital vouchers
Yes we have partnered with HUMM to offer interest free payment plans on large treatments. All accounts must be paid in full on the day though either by Humm or the patient
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We are excited to work with you to create the smile of your dreams!
Call us on (02) 9570 7753 or click the button below!